Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Do you have anything in your mind that you really really want it when you're young? Of course everyone does, right? For me, I wanted a lot of things. A lot a lot. I want a tree house, I want more Barbie doll clothes (heh! I play Barbie not Power Rangers k?!) , I want more stickers, I want a Nintendo, I want new clothes and I want so many things.. +_+ But I dare not ask my parents for any of these, cause I'm afraid that they will say no and complain that I am wasting money unnecessary stuff. =/ So at last, I'm a sad little young girl sitting in a corner envy people enjoying their new stuff that they wanted.

But heh! after all these years, finally I get to buy something that I wanted with my own money, the money that I earn from my own hardwork and sweat - Urbanscape 2011. =') And guess what I got for myself?

I got myself a Tamagotchi! It is something that I eyed on years ago! In fact, this is my very first Tamagotchi. Do you believe it? MY FIRST TAMAGOTCHI!! If I'm not mistaken, this is the 4th generation.! So now I got a mini digital life with me, and I'm a mother of a small little tiny life inside the device.

Oh..Let me tell you one cool part of this Tamagotchi. Which is... you can more than one character inside this device. Which means when the tamagotchi grow older, you can bring them to dating and they can mate a new baby out. Hahahaa.. Or if you purchase a new Tama-Go character (my Tama-Go character is the greeny character on top of my device) and slot it on top of the device, you will have a new character inside! YAY OR NAY??

Oh btw, This Tamagotchi grows older each day, today she is 2 years old. But I guess after a month this fella is old than me edi. +__+ wtf.

Anyway, if you want to get one Tamagotchi for yourself, you can go get it from Toys R' Us!
If you gotten one, please do let me know so that my character can have more friends too!!

anything you can visit:

xoxo. ciao!
time to feed my little baby.. i'm a mom now.

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