Tuesday, August 27, 2013

update 27Aug13

Hello! (feeling weird that if I don't start with a "Hello"...LOL.. it's manners!!) Anyways, I am back in Malaysia, for good. Although I just came back for two days, but it feels like I've came back for a week already, I'll blame the jetlag problem. 

Coming back home is not as pleasant as I expected. First, you need to deal with all the questioning from the elderly about your future plans as well as your experience abroad. So, basically you're repeating the same old answer to almost everyone who asked you. Sometimes I rather print a piece of my answer and just let them read it - which it will be "none of your business" (LOL! how I wish I can really answer that). 

Secondly, you need to start reorganising your life back here. For instant, start looking for job as you will no longer have any allowance from your family. They (family) basically cut me off everything, no allowance, no credit card, just only eating up my own savings. I guess this is a good stress to motivate you to look for a job asap so that you will have money to spend on necessity stuff. Especially in a condition without a vehicle at home (whereby I stay in a jungle, there is no public transport around the neighbourhood), it has gave me extra motivation (and difficulty) to land a job asap cause it has given you no choice but be a good girl to stay at home to send resume out and not going out to hang out with your friends. I admit that I am half paralysed without a car. So... I need to buy my own car soon (kancil will be nice)!

Lastly, which I considered it the most hassle of all. Rearranging you stuff to have more space for all the goods you bought while you're away. I don't know about most people, but I have several boxes of stuff to fit into my tiny little room. I am still headache about where should I keep those stuff. I'll think about this issue later when the boxes arrived KL. 

Oh well. by the time you read this sentence you will realised that you just read a whole piece of crappy story of mine being home. LOL!

This is the current me. 
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